

Facials and facial cosmetic treatments usually involve several steps:

Cleansing, Exfoliation, Steaming, Extraction, Massage, Mask etc

Simply Beauty & Lashes facial treatments begin with a detailed hair and skin analysis, where we look at your skin through a brightly lit magnifying lamp to assess your skin’s type and condition. We also ask you a number of questions concerning your skin, its condition and type and going together through Initial Consultation Form.

That is the time for you to ask questions, tell us about any concerns and/or allergies, any discomforts you might have experienced in the past or may be experiencing now.

As a result of the analysis and consultation specific treatments and products customized for your skin type and condition would be recommended.

Advanced para-medical facial treatments are aimed to achieve a certain effect on the skin with a specific goal to resolve a certain skin condition.

We use Trilogy as our brand for Facials & Skincare their Products work in true harmony with your skin which need fines, natural ingredients in their purest form. Here we make no compromises.

The Trilogy range has achieved Natural Cosmetic Certification under the internationally recognised NATRUE standard. The NATRUE logo provides an independent guarantee of authentically natural products.

Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil and Rosehip Oil Antioxidant+ are certified organic by BioGro NZ Ltd, New Zealand’s leading organic certifier and IFOM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) accredited organisation.


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